Future Prediction Made Easy!

Best Astrologer in TamilNadu

Welcome to the World of advanced K.P. Stellar Astrology! Predict your future with us!!
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91 9876543210
Future Prediction Made Easy!

Best Astrologer in TamilNadu

Welcome to the World of advanced K.P. Stellar Astrology! Predict your future with us!!
4.8 rating on Google
91 9876543210
About us

The Best Astrologer - Astro Srivalar Rajen

Welcome to the world of astrology where our esteemed Guruji Astro Srivalar Rajen has been providing insightful readings for over 10 years. With extensive research and training, Guruji is dedicated to helping you understand the mysteries of the universe and the impact they have on your life.

Astrology empowers you to shape your future by understanding the energies at play. Let’s unlock your potential and create a brighter tomorrow!

Astro Sri Valar Rajen



Our Astrology Services

General Astrology Predictions

Current Dasa Bukthi Prediction

Current Dasa Bukthi Predictions

Birth Time Rectification

Health Prediction

Health Predictions by Horoscope

Finance Prediction

Finance Position by Horoscope

Future Predictions by Horoscope

Astrology Predictions

Consultation Pricing


In Person Consultation

For in-person consultation, the consulting fee will be Rs. 2000/-


Email & Whatsapp Consultation

For Email/WhatsApp consultation, the consulting fee will be Rs. 2000/-


Consultation For foreigners

For foreigners and NRIs, the consulting fee will be Rs. 2000/-

We help you with our prediction! Book your slot with us!

Why us

The best astrology Institute In Tamilnadu

Fermentum nunc tortor, mauris lorem dignissim augue et vestibulum aliquet est ultrices mauris adipiscing.

Personalized Horoscopes

Discover your unique potential with Guruji Astro Sri Valar Rajen's personalized horoscopes.

Empowerment and Guidance

Empowering you to shape your own destiny through guidance and support from Guruji.

Insightful Readings

Gain insights into matters of the heart, career, and personal growth with horoscopes and numerology.

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times

Bringing ancient wisdom to modern times to help you create a brighter tomorrow.

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The Advanced

KP Steller Astrology

Morning Huddles

Urna cursus pretium nisi, ullamcorper enim morbi volutpat feugiat mauris congue integer in velit nunc ac iaculis cursus facilisis tincidunt justo, fringilla scelerisque

The Basics

Neque in nulla aliquam viverra phasellus ipsum sed pretium imperdiet sit purus at lacus, varius interdum vestibulum fermentum faucibus nulla odio cum

Play Stations

Eu vestibulum praesent pretium platea fusce amet lobortis ut malesuada neque scelerisque pulvinar quisque turpis ut etiam sit volutpat a scelerisque quis

Learning Lab

Tortor sed nulla gravida ipsum aliquam consectetur neque odio dui turpis fringilla pretium hac bibendum commodo proin quam posuere consequat ultrices


Senectus fringilla vitae at lacus sollicitudin mi vel consectetur congue facilisi amet, maecenas egestas imperdiet maecenas lorem cras aliquet arcu, pharetra quis quam ipsum

Outdoor Play

Vel urna cursus nunc sem bibendum adipiscing nibh metus viverra ultricies pellentesque faucibus non ullamcorper aliquet sed imperdiet faucibus dictumst

Meet the teachers

Experts in giving your children best start

Ella Stark

Lead teacher and 1-2 year olds

Harriet Bailey

Teacher: 2-3 year olds

Melinda Schiller

Teacher: 3-4 year olds

What people say
milky way, night sky, stars-559641.jpg
A very good and clean astrologer in Tamilnadu. His predictions are amazing and everyone will get a clear picture about their past, present and future. The accuracy of his predictions are at 100% without any bias. Hope people in tirupur are blessed to have such a kind of person to get solved their problems. Finally, a very humble and approachable person to everyone.
Sai Narashimhan

Best Astrology Training Institute In Tamil Nadu

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